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Emergency Preparedness

It is critically important that you provide emergency contact information to your PI and/or supervisor upon your arrival to ICTAS. This information will be used only in the event of an emergency.

More information on preparing for emergencies can be found at

The following information is specific to ICTAS facilities.


When it is necessary to secure-in-place, you will be the safest by placing a locked door or other barricade between you and the associated violence or danger. If your space is in an open area and a Secure in Place advisory is issued by the university, please go immediately to a secured space (i.e., a coworker’s office, a secured office suite or lab). This applies to all ICTAS facilities.


Shelter-in-place events are usually weather related emergencies. When it is necessary to shelter-in-place, you will be safest by moving inside to a building space that protects you from the danger. DO NOT lock doors behind you as others may also need to shelter-in-place.

Preferred shelter in place locations for ICTAS facilities are as follows:

  • Kelly Hall – first floor lab corridor
  • ICTAS II – first floor lab corridor
  • ICTAS @ CRC – first floor lab corridor (when is access is available); second floor hall corridor near restrooms (when access to lab wing is not available)


Determine in advance your nearest exit and emergency evacuation route. Establish an alternative way out in case the nearest exit is blocked or unsafe. It is highly encouraged that you take time to become familiar with the building evacuation plans posted in the hallways of each facility.

Note that it may or may not be wise to exit during an emergency. If the hazard is outdoors, it may be safer to stay put or just move to another part of the building. Also, if the hazard is apt to be short-lived and health and safety risks are low (a power outage, for example), evacuations may be unnecessary. If there is a fire, leave immediately. Emergency response personnel may advise you which to do – evacuate or shelter-in-place – but if they don’t, let common sense be your guide.

Gathering points in the event of evacuation for ICTAS facilities are as follows:

  • Kelly Hall – between McBryde and Norris Halls
  • ICTAS II – front grassy area near Employee Entrance (between ICTAS II and Wallace Hall)
  • ICTAS@CRC – grassy area near TechLab parking lot

Copies of the complete ICTAS Emergency action plan may be found in the Chemical Hygiene Plan located in each lab. A copy of the plan may also be requested by emailing