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Building Access

Building Access Request

ONLY ICTAS affiliated PI/Supervisors or approved designees shall submit access requests for ICTAS labs and buildings. 

This process gives faculty more control over who has access to their labs and streamlines notifications. It also: 

  • Expedites the process to allow student access to labs quickly, typically within three business days.
  • Reduces miscommunication. 
  • Eliminates multiple email notifications related to other faculty members’ students.
  • Provides the option to limit access to a designated time period vs. granting open-ended access.
  • Gives ICTAS Facilities all necessary information in one simple step.
  • Satisfies FERPA requirements.

We welcome feedback on this process. Please send any suggestions or questions to  

Instructions for PI/Supervisor Submitting Building Access Request for Students/Employees 

All ICTAS Building Access Requests must be submitted using the new Microsoft Office Access Form.

Any access requests submitted by other individuals will not be processed.  

Your students/employees are typically granted access within three business days.  
Please let us know of any problems you encounter by email at  

Access to Secure Spaces

All ICTAS labs are secured and require access through a Hokie Passport specific to the approved individual. Please note the following:

  • Do not share your Hokie Passport cards with anyone.
  • Please ensure secured doors close behind you.
  • Do not let anyone into the space unless you know who they are and know they have approved access. 
  • If someone needs access to the space, they will need to work with their PI or Supervisor to request access as described above.
  • Do not prop open doors.

If you notice the door to your space is not closing properly, please send an email to

If someone you do not know requests entry to a space, please have them contact a PI or designee to arrange access.

Due to IP and ITAR restrictions, ICTAS Facilities staff will no longer provide entry for visitors or others requesting access to space without approval from the PI or designee.